Saturday, November 17, 2007

Major catch up

the last few weeks have come and gone and here is a bit of what i've been up to . . .

finished pulling up flooring and painted concrete. came out pretty good.

held McKey family reunion here. beautiful weather. about 50 people came. good food. hayride, fishing. wonderful day.

had supper club here last Thursday night. ate yummy gumbo that Jimmy cooked for us. thanks babe!

got sick the next day and that is where i have been for the last week. went to work on Wed but that was a mistake and was diagnosed wtih bronchitis yesterday. got a shot and some other rather pricey meds but if it works, that I am fine with it. still not up to par. ugh! feel like i have lost an entire week of my life.

looking forward to feeling better and getting into the holidays.

having a birthday weinie roast for andrew monday afternoon. can't believe he'll be 10 on Thanksgiving Day!

hope to be a better blogger in the weeks to come.

PS The alphabet game will resume in a day or so. . . as soon as my brain starts working again. of course, missy is the only one who cares but we sure have enjoyed ourselves, huh, girl!

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