Tuesday, December 30, 2008

me and oprah gotta bad thing goin'

so oprah was brave enough to put herself out there for all to see. me, not so. although those of you who see me on a regular basis, probably have notice the extra (insert big number here) pounds. or maybe you haven't b/c you are just that nice of a person. anyway, how does this happen? well, i can tell you but I won't reveal all my secrets. i don't usually endorse nor pay any attention to Oprah for various reasons, however she and I do share this oh so wonderful thing in common -- EXTRA WEIGHT! and a lot of it. normally my weight does not bother me, it's the extra rolls on my back and middle that are so uncomfortable when sitting down. and then when i see others with the donut around the middle and think "oh how does she go out in public like that?" and then i realize that i look the same. ugh!

so while i am not committing to lose weight or give up anything that tastes good or that I crave on a regular basis; or join some program; I am however going to commit to a healthier lifestyle. one that includes eating better and bike riding. and if for some reason, i start to lose a few pounds, so be it.

i need to get that o mag just this one time and see just what she has to say about it?

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